
My Snowy Valentine

7:20 PM Unknown 1 Comments

The snow moved in, so class was out!  

While we had some free time, I pleaded with my 6 year old son, to allow me 10 mins to snap a few Valentine photos. 

I was aware I may not get many quality photos in this time frame, but one is better than none, right? 

He of course couldn't resist turning my request into more of a barter (who do I think I am, trying to get something for nothing). 

 His request was I would have to play Disney Xfinity with him on the Wii U. 

You might be thinking well that's a simple enough request, but I assure you it's a much bigger task than you could imagine in this household. My sweet boy can go from angelic to hellion in a matter of seconds (I'll touch on that in a future post). 

 Video games have never been my thang, but the truth is, being in front of the camera has never been his. So I willingly obliged. 

Of the photos made, I believe the first and the last ones are my favs. The first one just screams "Jon". He collects figures of all sorts, so naturally, I wanted to incorporate them. 

The last image is just so stinkin' adorable. His big boy teeth are one of my favorite attributes...just look at that smile with his monkey friend in tow!

Do you barter with your kids on certain things?

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Lana Love said...

That's just like Jon to want something for something . I love the pictures ! The second one is my favorite , he just looks so innocent && lovey . I know that he's not all the time , but that pictures speaks different .