how to write a love letter,

Written in the Raw: Volume II

5:30 AM Unknown 0 Comments

                                                                    *Names have been changed to maintain privacy
Roll With It
 “I was so surprised when you were surprised that I said I would marry you! I love you so much, and why wouldn’t I want to be your wife? I mean sure there have been some WAY unconventional things that have “happened” during the course of our relationship, but uhm….we roll with the punches, right?”
Questioning It All
 "I just have so many emotions running through my mind, my heart, my entire body and I don’t know what to do with them. How do you feel? Like sometimes it seems like you’re just in “whatever” mode, like it’s whatever, and nothing bothers you. I mean do you have worries? Do you have fears? Do you have doubts?"

Love Sick
 “The words you said felt like someone pulling a trigger point blank range into my heart. I loved you and I loved you HARD. With my mind, my body and my soul.
Bre, I never in a million years would have thought you would betray me to this level. You slept with him in the bed we make love in, how did it feel? You knew how I already felt about him, and you could let someone like this inside you? You could let him touch you? That shit sickens me.
I have done some fucked up things, but never ever ever like this, I could never imagine hurting you to this extinct. I hope your decision was worth it.....fucking sickening.”
My Only Fear  
 "The only thing in this world that I fear is losing you teddy bear, I love you soo much and you’re a blessing in my life….I see so much good in you and I want you to take all your strength and put it into making our life purposeful and I will do the same.”
 “I know u and I share a love that's unbreakable...kinda like that Alisha Keys song. I miss you and I miss us listening to slow jams holding each other, dancing in your room. Those little moments mean so much to me. I remember one night when I cried while we were doing that...simply out of love. You bring out emotions in me I have never felt with anyone, and I doubt I will ever feel again...I love you so much and can't wait to kiss you.”
 “I know that this entire situation is just a ton of "what if's" and "maybe's" . You don't know what it is, therefore you can't give me any assurances. But I know that because I feel about and love you the way I do…I can NOT just walk away. I can NOT turn back on this or you, because doing so would be signifying me condemning myself to an entire life of "WHAT IF" or "WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN".
So instead I decide to stick around (as long as you will keep me), stick it out, and see where this path leads me. I owe it to myself. And if in the process I get hurt and get my heart broken then so- be- it… I'd rather have to pick myself up and piece me back together than to be a quitter and possibly miss out on the chance of a lifetime…being you wife.”
Bad Idea
 “Damn, we fell off badly. It's crazy how I haven't heard your voice in so long. I apologize for not calling, but you said if I didn't, you would. I decided to test you. Bad idea...BUT the main point of me writing this was too say I miss you. I hope your doing okay. I just couldn't go another day with out trying to talk to you.”

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