at home mom,

What I Do All Day

7:16 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I've been a stay at home mom for about 6 years. The first few years were super hectic with 3 small children home during the day. Pretty self explanatory.

Recently, the twins began kindergarten, leaving me child free during the day. 

My sister, who is in law enforcement, decided to place her career on hold, and give this "at home mom" thing a go. Similarly, both of her daughters are in school. 

Last week she rang my phone frantically asking and I quote: "How do you stay busy?, What the heck do you do all day?!

Hint: It isn't what's pictured. (Though I'm sure that's what some may think).

 I find it pretty comical when people ask me this question, because just like those that work outside the home, I feel there aren't enough hours in the day to get things done.

 This post is for those who's children have just begun school and looking for a little inspiration.

{And for if there are people asking you that same intriguing question (assuming since we don't work outside the home, we have no life) well I'm here to make their mouths drop.}

Things I do every day:
Make kids beds
Sweep the house (we have hardwood floors)
Pick up clothes the kids have thrown on their floor (usually yesterday's school clothes and p.j.'s )
Wipe up the toothpaste they left in the sink, around the sink, and on the mirror (just keep a pack of cleaning wipes in the bathroom cabinet)
Laundry (they remove clothes everyday, there IS always laundry)
Cook Dinner (on a rough day, at least know what everyone is eating)
Do the dishes (that I've used to prepare dinner or throughout the day)
Take out the trash (I hate the smell of trash, it has to go everyday)

[The above are for good measure] :)

1. Experiment with a new recipe ( you may want to try this or this,)
2. Cut up veggies for the week. (i.e. dice onions, bell peppers, shred cheese etc.)
3. Clean out the fridge.
4.Organize dish cabinets and get rid of any fast food cups that have found a home in them.
5. Compile a grocery list.
6. Go grocery shopping.
7. Have a glass of wine, why not?

1. Find kids clothes for the week, if you're really feeling it, iron them.
2. Clean out kids closet.
3. Store too small clothes or out of season clothes in bags and put unwanted items in boxes for Goodwill.
4. Volunteer for an event at the kids school.
5. Surprise the kids and show up for lunch.

1. Plan a day to meet your significant other for lunch.
2. Call a loved one you haven't talk to in a while and catch up.
3.Take a moment to write a handwritten letter (or poem/song) to someone you love. Be creative this can be to your spouse, mom, dad, child, or friend.

1. Start a wish list on your favorite stores website. This could be for you or a birthday or special holiday coming up.
2. Send some of those adorable photos your phone to the lab for printing, make a few extras to give/mail to family.
3. While your at it, get regain some space by getting rid of all the unwanted photos.
4. Pin a few crafts or recipes to your Pinterest boards to try at a later date (If you're not on Pinterest yet, now's the time to join).
5. Play a thought provoking game against an online opponent (I like words with friends and Wordox) to keep your brain sharp.
6. Learn a new hobby or skill from watching Youtube tutorials. (I've seriously learned how to play  guitarhow to crochet, and some great photography tips).
7. Catch up on an episode of your favorite show.

Around the house:
1. Rearrange a room just for the heck of it.
2. See if you can find the mates to those loose socks, if not save them for crafts to do with this kids (this is a fun one).
3.Use a duster (or your broom) and swipe the corners of rooms for any webs.
4. Sweep or clean off the porch/deck.

Self Care:
1. Try a new hairstyle.
2. Take a warm bubble bath to clear your mind, before the family gets home.
3. Give your toe nails some much needed attention (clip, file and polish).
4. Clean out your purse.
5. Snuggle with a warm cup of tea or coffee and a good read.
6. Catch up on some much needed sleep (let's face it, sometimes we really need to).

Did you enjoy this list, or have something that should be added?  Sound off in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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