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Hello! I'm Kris, the voice behind the "Color Me Kris" blog. It's such a pleasure to have you stop by! To tell you a little about myself I am an early childhood teacher (by trade). I spent 8 years in the classroom before resigning to work from home, following the birth of my twin boys.

During my time as an at home mommy, my interest in photography peaked. On my 30th birthday my wife bought me my first DSLR camera. That's all my life was missing! The passion I shared for this art form (along with my obsessive personality) motivated me to learn all I could about the craft. I now stand before you (well, write before you) a professional in the field, and proud to say completely self taught. Thank you, thank you. :)

I started with client portrait sessions and continued this for years but eventually begin to shift my focus to lifestyle images. I now license my images to renown corporations as creative stock. Doing this allows me to bring in an income while having substantial flexibility in my shooting time and style....not having to leave home unless deemed necessary.

In February of 2014 our son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Since then, making sure his needs are being met (think therapies sessions, IEP meetings etc.) has been our main priority.
With a background in Early Childhood Development, Autism wasn't completely foreign, but I definitely could stand to learn a little (ok a lot) more.

Upon the diagnosis of our son, I've spent countless hours scouring the internet, reading books, and talking to professionals to learn as much as I could on subject. I'm thankful I have the pleasure of calling my child's teachers and therapists, friends. I have also teamed up with many organizations both online and in my local community to support children and families touched by autism. Through this journey I have met many wonderful and supportive people in the autism community. What a treasure they are!

My Purpose For Blogging
 I hold a love for most art forms and writing is no exception. There is something magical about having your voice heard, about being able to share the things you've learned in life and hopefully being able to help others along the way.

I am in love with documenting life in general, but it is also important for me to leave behind a legacy for my children and future grandchildren (probably the reason I love photography so much). So another reason I'm blogging is to document my thoughts, feelings and experiences...sharing with you the person I am right now. One day I hope to look back and say Kris, WTH were you thinking?! Or even better Wow Kris you were pretty cool in your younger (just go with it) years!

This blog will also serve as a family time capsule of sorts, since I imagine it will hold images of my loved ones in day to day moments and reflect current personalities.

Through blogging I am hoping to build a connection to the many wonderful individuals and families around the world. My mission is to inspire, to teach, to help and to support others. I look forward to building relationships with families so that together we can share ideas, talk about day to day events, celebrating or uplifting one another along the way.

What I Will Be Sharing
So as I'm sure you've gathered, I'm in love with photography, that being said, I will be sharing some of my artwork, both past and present, along with some behind the scenes and photo tips. The kids and I enjoy being in the kitchen, so that will lend a hand to some of our delicious family recipes. The entire family is into arts and crafts so we should have tons of DIY projects to share. And of course as a teacher and mom of 7 (including a set of multiples and children with special needs), I will be sharing some helpful tools related to education and parenting.

When the sun goes down and its finally "me" time, I enjoy a glass of wine (or 2 or 3). Sooooo what I"m saying is this could lead to me writing (or ranting) about pretty much anything (don't say I didn't warn you)!

Let's Stay Connected
You can find the links to my social media accounts all over the blog, but the quickest way to reach me is through comments on post. You can also email me at: ColorMeKris@gmail.com