
My Daughter's Wedding Ceremony

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We drove up to Georgia on Saturday to witness my daughter and her fiance take their wedding vows. And by we I mean me, my wife and 4 kids. It was one hell of a ride! By the time we got there we were all ready to grab each other by the throats, and squeeze until someones head popped off.

 It was a beautiful intimate ceremony held at a sunset near a lake. I'm still in shock that my baby is someone's wife. But I am over the moon for her and her (choking on my drink as I type this) husband. Wow.
It was slightly awkward meeting him for the first time, on the same day he was marrying my daughter. But with the family I have I suppose crazier things have happened. I've put my faith in God and said a silent prayer (or 10), that this young man treats my daughter with respect and love and she treats him the same.

 I must admit, I wasn't too sure of him in the beginning, but like fungus, he's grown on me. From the little I have gathered, he seems loving, has a good sense of humor, mild tempered and genuine. I'll admit as a mama, I'm gonna have my reserves...but I trust that I've raised my child to the best of my ability and believe she is fully capable of making a sound judgement call. 
 Cheers to my daughter and new son. Welcome to a family of nuts, Joe!

Here are some pictures from their big day:
 I love the way his arm wraps around her as if protecting her. She looks so calm and peaceful. I love this image and hope that the way I feel about this photo sets the tone for their marriage.

 A special moment they shared right before the ceremony.

 The bride and groom with the bride's younger siblings.

 The groom's BFF, the BFF's girlfriend, and the groom.

Ring and bouquet.

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