creative kids,

I'm such a pig!

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OK not in that sense. I didn't do anything vulgar to any one to be labeled a "pig", I didn't consume too much and "pig out" and I definitely didn't come into any money though my kids still believe I'm their personal "piggy bank".

But let me tell what I did do.

My four-year-old son, Krishon, came walking in my room holding a cup in one hand, stirring with the other.

I asked what he was doing and he said "I'm a scientist and this is my experiment". Well how cool is that? I LOVE science. I love discovering knew things and I certainly adore my child exploring his world and creating something in the process.

He explained  "the experiment" he was making is suppose to turn people into robots. Ok, that's cool...I think.

He asked me did I want to try it. "Ummmm...What's in it?" I asked. His face suddenly wore a devious grin.

"Just try it."

Now I know I've never mentioned this, but I'll tell you what, I am so in tune with my sense of smell. It can either make or break me. Seriously.

Everything I eat, anything I do (especially for the first time) I have to smell. It's my strongest sense and impacts my intuition dramatically.  If a fragrance I wore 5 years ago, crosses my path, my brain   instantly begins replaying moments from that time frame in my life.

On the flip side an odd scent can cause me to become nauseous and will have my head banging like I just got hit with a hammer. My face will instantly bawl up and there is no hiding the intensity of what I'm feeling. You catch my drift?

Well, I smelled "the experiment". It reeked of slightly spoiled milk, watered down tomatoes, and a hint of mint.

WTF?! (what's that flavor)

My mind screamed oh HECK NO!

I ask again "Shon baby, What's in it?"

Laughter erupted!

 Milk (from breakfast), water, chip crumbs (he found under the bed), toilet paper, a green Angry Bird fruit snack,  ketchup (from his corn-dog at lunch), a piece a moon pie (his brother didn't want), tooth paste and a wilting rose petal for good measure.

There is absolutely NO WAY I am trying that! NO WAY!
He begged and batted those big beautiful brown eyes. "Shon, No."

 "You don't like my experiment." Insert sweet sad puppy face here.  :(

Oh my gosh. Did I just crush his dreams? Did I just discourage him from science? Wait what if it worked and he really DID find a way that humans could turn into robots?! Do people even want to be robots??? Aw frick it! I'll take one for the team. I grabbed the glass a took a gulp.

My face balled up the mere second the concoction touched my tongue. 

It was disgusting.  Do you hear me, DIS-GUS-TING!!! If that weren't bad enough, I actually swallowed it.

Why? Not to make him happy, but because it was the QUICKEST WAY to get it out of my mouth! Running to the bathroom would have taken an extra 3 seconds longer. No frickin' way!

I looked up at Shon who was obviously tickled. Confused, I mustered "You gonna to try it?" Through snickers I made out the words "Ewwww...That's gross, Nooo!"  Wait what?!

If you're wondering,  it did not work. I did not turn into a robot, just a silly old "guinea pig".

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