car tips,

Flat Tire

1:06 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I recently noticed my tire seemed to have a slow leak. Superman aka my father in law, came to the rescue as always. He bought his air pump and pumped the tire to see what was going on.

The tire seemed to be loosing air, you know sometimes you can hear it but not necessarily see it.

He asked if I would go in and grab a squirt bottle with water in it mixed with a bit of dish detergent. I gave him the side eye, thinking are we really about to clean this tire right now, though God knows it needs it.

But that wasn't it at all! He said now let me show you a little trick. He then asked me to start pouring the mixture around the tire slowly and let him know if it bubbles. It did, but by then I knew why!!

It only bubbles if there is an air leak!

Mix water and dish detergent (about 2/3 water-1/3detergent) in a bottle. Slowly pour the mixture over a tire to find any holes/air leaks.

Air leak, you've been hacked by my father in law!  

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