
Peach Cobbler Smoothie

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As you may know, my sister recently had a baby. My nephew is now 2 months old, and Tiffany is ready to start attempt to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight.
I'm the eldest and have always been the motivator in the family, but being at a distance now, has made this more challenging.
I am determined to take this journey with her (as I can stand to shed a few pounds) so I created a private online group for us to share, meals, workouts, and other helpful info. One of the things I've found myself sharing often, is the smoothies I make at breakfast. So it hit me, why not share them with you guys also?!

Up first is the peach cobbler smoothie. Tons of peachy goodness and it's soooo perfectly cinnamony (wait is that even a word?).
This is among my favs to enjoy in the morning. One of the reasons I love it so much is because, not only is it a delight to the taste buds, it is also very filling. It's the goodness of dessert without the guilt factor. Now tell me that isn't awesome!

This smoothie incorporates the sweetness of peaches and cinnamon, bathed in vanilla milk and sprinkled with oats.

Here's What You'll Need:
2 peaches; frozen
1.5 cups milk (your favorite kind)
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp vanilla
2 tbsp honey
3tbsp quick (or rolled) oats; dry

Here's What You Do:
Place all ingredients in blender. Blend til smooth. 

What are your favorite smoothies? Leave a comment I'd love to hear!

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