
My New Nephew

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Hey! It feels like I've been away forever. But no worries, I will be posting quite regularly until I've filled you in on all the scoop! For starters I recently made a trip to Virginia (my hometown) to meet my brand new and incredibly handsome nephew!

The initial idea was for me to arrive a few days early, so I that I could capture maternity photos and be present to get images at the birth also. Of course, as life would have it, things don't always go according to plan.

During my sister's final prenatal visit the OB grew concerned at the size of the baby (big) and the babies position (footling breech). His fears led him to scheduling a cesarean for the following morning ( about week earlier than expected).

Little (and I use that term lightly) man, came into the world weighing a whopping 10lbs! That's right, wow-wi-wow! He was Jaundice, so kept in the hospital an extra night, but otherwise as perfect as can be!

My sister was about sore as expected after a surgical delivery, but she's always been a trooper. Her husband and I were both available to help care for her, the baby and my darling 4 year old niece.

**I interrupt this blog post with an Important announcement from my niece- "Do NOT open your door for black zombies they bite! The pink ones are nice, (they don't bite) and the purple ones only bite a little"**

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