
Update On My Daughter

7:54 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey my loves! It's been an interesting week. As I assured you, I would be back to to update about my daughter. Drum roll pleeeeease! Turns out she is indeed preggo. She's taken multiple test, including a blood one and all of them have confirmed she's expecting.

Over the past few days, I've been allowing the thought to soak in, and the truth is, I'm a tiny bit excited.

In my free time I find myself peaking in on pregnancy websites, checking out fetal development. You'd think as a mom of 7 I'd be pretty familiar, and I am, but it's fun to review it again.

While in department stores, my eyes tend to be drawn to the baby section and I can't help but stroll over and run my fingers down the adorable little outfits, I keep imagining my grandchild in. I'm itching to buy something, just a tiny treasure to swoon over until he or she arrives.

 I'll admit it, I'm bonding with my little sweetness already. I'm so in love.
Of course, I haven't revealed my enthusiasm to my daughter. I'm sticking to the matter of fact advice like encouraging her to schedule an appointment with the OB.

But if you were to view my insides, you'd see I'm literally bursting at the seams. I still haven't shared the news with anyone, accept well, you amazing people. Which makes you totally special by the way.

I want to blurt it out to my wife sooo bad! I'm going to hold it in as long as can for my daughter's sake, but I ain't making no promises. :)

We're trying to wait until she is at least out of the danger zone (she's only 5 weeks) before I shout it from the roof top.

I'm secretly calling the baby Honey's little mermaid (Honey is my chosen "grandma" name). And at this point in pregnancy the baby has a tail and is in water which totally makes him a mermaid!

Oh my gosh, I'm getting ridiculous with this aren't I?

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