
Delicate Feelings

10:01 AM Unknown 0 Comments

My heart just sunk into the floor. My daughter called and said that she's been spotting, well more like bleeding, pretty significantly.
She went to wellness and was asked to pee in a cup. The test they performed showed she was still pregnant, but they did do some blood work to check her levels.

 They told her its likely implantation bleeding and tried to ease her fears.  Now, I'm not a doctor, but what she was describing didn't sound like implantation and frankly has me scared out of my mind.

 They scheduled her an obgyn appointment for Monday. I suppose there isn't much anyone do with the pregnancy being in such early stages, but with this type of blood loss, I'm praying things work out. I'm literally in tears right now thinking about loosing this little person that I've only known about for 2 short weeks.

It may sound crazy but I've put so much love into him/her already. I was getting used to the idea of how my life was about to change for the better. My first grand baby.

Please God let this baby stick to my daughter's womb, oh how I love them so. Please let me see their face and enjoy them on earth. Let me get the chance to smell their sweet baby smell and find out if it's indeed a baby boy or baby girl. Please allow me the opportunity to shop tirelessly for him or her and get the honor of hearing their first cry, first word, and the sound of their voice saying "I love you".

Who knew you could love someone, so quickly, and even though you've never met them, your heart could shatter in a thousand pieces as just the mere thought of them being taken away...

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