
The Call

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Hello my dear friends,

Bare with me through this post, as I literally just got off the phone with my eldest daughter. My daughter left home shortly after the holidays, to take up a pharmaceutical trade at Job Corps.  In the few months she's been away, she's quickly made a new friend, em em (clears throat), boyfriend.

Every other word in our conversation was his name. Cupid hit at point blank range on this one, she's fallen faster than you can say WTH! For the record I don't want to come across too judgmental. I know you can't put a time frame on love, but damn. I just want her to be cautious with her heart and who she gives it to. Especially this quick.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, she's already raised some red flags, by telling me her boyfriend has a temper and can blow a head gasket at the drop of a dime. He's gotten into arguments with others on campus, and if she tries to calm him down, he will snap at her as well.

I. don't. like. that. one. bit.

 I voiced my concerns to her, but she assured me everything's ok and that she's had him talk to a career counselor, just to be on the safe side.

As a mother, I still don't like it.

Today as we were about to end our conversation, I jokingly said, just don't get pregnant. She started stuttering "aaaaaaah" I laughed because I knew she was messing around with me.

She insisted she wasn't kidding. For entertainment purposes, I asked several questions...she answered them, stating it was indeed true and even inquired about my feelings.

I entertained further, "Well, I'd certainly be concerned for your well being as far as finances, just starting a trade, and the fact that if you really are, well you've known him less than 90 days, I've got take-out in the fridge older than that."


We laughed and hung up with our usual I love you's and her asking me not to tell anyone yet, not even mama (my wife).

Now, I'm left here wondering. Is she asking me not to tell because its untrue? Is she really expecting and just needs time to focus and figure things out?  I'm completely in awe and utterly confused.

During our conversation, I inquired about her last menstrual. She spoke a Jan17th date. According to my mommy calculations that would give us an October baby, right around the 24th.
 My God. Just typing that gave me chills. I think I'm about to freak out!

I love babies and I've always hoped for grandchildren...when the time is right, of course. Could this really be the time?
Of course as a mother, I would prefer her to be married, to be stable, to be in a secure relationship. But in reality, I was a teen mom (16, 10th grade, and still at home with my parents).

My daughter is nearly 20.  She has graduated from high school, and is making decision to better her life. She can continue her trade and will actually graduate from her courses in July. Considering that this does not cause many setbacks.

If she truly is expecting a little one, regardless of how unideal the situation, I will be here to support her, after all that's what mommy's do. Something she will possibly, be about to discover first hand.

Well my loves, I need to have a glass of wine and be left alone with my thoughts, but I assure you this subject is not over. I will keep you posted as to the outcome in the coming weeks.

Oh my Gosh, I might be a grandma... I can't wrap my head around it yet....

                    Do you believe she's expecting or just playing a cruel joke?
I want to hear your thoughts! Let me know in the comments or continue the discussion on my Instagram page. I'd love to hear from you!

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