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Our tempers calmed and though neither of us are wearing our wedding bands we’re making the best of it. We checked out of our room and drove to a nearby shopping center, trying to find a shirt for an interview Kenya has. We then  drive the extra hour to her parents home. Where we would be possibly staying for a week or so (something I did not know about before we left VA).

As we drove through I saw all these beautiful green fields of land. Lovely homes with all kinds of farm animals. I was in heaven. Finally feeling a sense of relief. I was anxious to see our new home, get reacquainted with her parents and see the land that has been talked about so much.

We drove a little further in and turned on to a road near a store. That must be the corner store she told me about that the girls could walk to. We continued up the road that seemed to be full of trees on both sides, no street lights and  pretty curvy. The road dipped down so far you could not see what you were coming up on. I was starting to get a bit curious. We finally came to a stop in front a home that appeared to be getting renovated.

We pulled in the drive way and continued past the home. There was a shed with a busted windows and a rusted tin roof that had seen better days. We continued the long drive way and passed a trailor and then came upon a small old blue country home with a shed that looked just as bad as the one we passed a few moments prior. A man and woman were waiting in the yard smiling. It was her parents. WTF. Was my first thought....

Where is the beautiful green grass? Where is the space I would be putting our horses? Was that house in the front with the old shed the one that we were moving into? Oh hell no. I'm confused.

I turned off the vehicle and pretended to smile, thinking you have got to be kidding me! A tall hefty little girl with a messy ponytail came out of the door. It had been so long since I’d seen her. She was beautiful. Amazing how children transform in a matter of years. She had lost teeth and they'd come back in. She was taller than her 11 year old sister and by the looks of it, she wasn't missing any meals.

I went to give her a hug and she instantly started talking a mile a minute. Still the same old Jalei.

Kenya's father greeted us and asked us to back the vehicles in so we could unload the Uhaul into the shed. Wait what?!

I thought our stuff was going in storage. Another okie doke. It was going into a shed that was days away from taking its last breath, well if it was breathing... I'm so worried our items are going to mold, didn't look like there was much ventilation and no temperature control in this hot south summer. Again I made the best of it.

He started unloading things and was barely asking us to lift a finger. We however did anyway. He was so cautious and careful. Our things and our safety was his main concern. I could since his warm sweet personality. That instantly made me feel welcome. We unloaded the truck as her mother, a tall husky woman with a net on her head watched on. She complained about her knees and gave an excuse to why she wasn't helping. Didn't bother me any. I have not built a very good rapport with her so was glad she was at a distance.

I had on some tight jeans and with the shape of my body lets just say they fit a little interestlingly in the crouch area. I keep my shirts a little longer to avoid the problem area being spotted. I hear Kenya's mother laughing and saying there's a camel out here! There is a camel out here! I instantly looked at my wife with evil eyes. She knew my problem and we joke about it, but was this woman really going there?

Kenya responded "Mom, what are you talking about?" She said there was a camel on the side of the truck. I peered over and it was a huge picture of a humped back animal. I gave a faux laugh, but inside still was uncertain if she was actually referring to that or my pants.

We finished loading everything that would fit into this storage area and had a few larger things that needed to go into another area. The old beat up shed with the busted window. yep. So that was our house. Literally right in front of her parents home. I could not wrap my head around it. I am in awe. I had no idea we were staying this close to them. She told me it was a long street and we would be staying on their street. The kids could ride their bikes to their house. Ummm she should have just said the kids could take 3 hops out the back door and they would be at their grandparents home.

Where are my horses going? There is a ugly ass shed in the back yard and after that there is a family members abandoned trailor, then her parents house. Unless she thought I was talking about a toy horse, it aint gonna happen. I am completely and utterly bummed.

The house is nowhere near complete so I know this is a process that is going to run into a few weeks if not a few months. I want to scream! Even after she mentioned staying with her mom she said it would be for a week or so. So I'm thinking ok, then we will be back in a hotel room because I know the house won't be ready that quick.

The only thing in the house that has been done is the framing. That's it. It still looks bare. With a hideous front that has yet to be tackled.

Kenya and I are on sketchy terms, hell everything I've been experiencing lately is sketchy.

Read Day4 HERE