2:34 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I entered the doors of the small blue cottage not really knowing what to expect anymore. It was a bit nostalgic reminding me of my great grandparents home. I remember as a child seeing the clear plastic runners going in every direction over the high traffic areas. Also the covers over the couch as not to ruin them. This home favored it so much. As I looked around I noticed old AC units in the windows and paneling on the wall. This home hasn't been updated in probably close to 50 years. There were leak spots on the ceiling and the pull down shades. I entered into what was my wife's bedroom before she left home and saw that images of her in her military years were hanging on the wall. They also had a collection of naval caps with a variety of ship titles on them. Hers being the Uss Theodore Rosevelt.
The room had a recliner and a bed with a head board made of rusted iron. Pretty interesting. There was a door that opened to the laundry room and the bathroom connected with it. There seemed to be no ventilation in this area at all. It smelled quiet stuffy and the bathroom reeked. It was a completely closed up area that had a smell sort of similar to mildew. There was a window that would not open and no fan for ventilation. I noticed the trash can was full of toilet tissue. I just assumed they used a lot to perhaps wipe their face or something.

After using the facilities I realized that the toilet barely flushed. I would literally have to stand there and wait for it to fill 2 or 3 times just to get #1 and a piece of toilet tissue down, don't even ask me how challenging it was for #2. I could write a book about those adventures alone. I am sooooo dreading being on my womanly here. That's going to be an utter disaster!

The front porch consisted of a white wooden swing and some old metal chairs that rock forward when you sat down. There were a few plants hanging. I noticed there were a lot of wasp hanging around. Then I realized there were two different wasp nests. One with regular wasp and one with these huge red wasp something I've never seen before! I was terrified! They seemed to just swarm around the porch as if they owned the place. Kenya's parents just sat there as if the wasp were invisible, something I will probably never have the courage to do. They made comments such as "They won't bother you." In the same breath went on reliving stories of how many times they'd been stung. 

As I sat on high alert, something zipped down near the flowers of a near by tree. It was a humming bird! I had always wanted to see one of those in real life. How awesome! Though it only stayed for a few seconds, it was embedded in my memory bank forever. Maybe being here might have its perks!