GoodBye VA, Hello TN

2:30 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We all slept in one room on the floor, exhausted from the days festivities. We had attended my niece's 2 year old birthday party with a host of family and friends. My darling niece Ba'Dia, was decked out in a hot pink sparkle dress, complete with feather boa. Her hair curly, wild and free. The theme for the evening was princess, fitting if you ask me.

 The royal grounds held a pastel colored cotton candy maker and a bounce house in the shape of a castle. Several guests came dressed in gowns. Her cake (made by her grandmother) showcased a silver-plated crown and lots of  sugary pink décor, the moment however, felt bittersweet. I knew this would be the last time I would see my family for a while.

I documented the event via camera lens. Trying to keep my emotions in tact, something that has been difficult to do lately. I gave hugs and said my "see you laters" and walked towards the truck, where my wife and children were waiting.

As I climbed into the front seat I noticed my eldest daughter behind me, teary-eyed and holding on to her brother. She recently found her wings and decided to flee the comfort of our nest. She wanted to remain perched in Virginia (I can't say I blame her). I was barely keeping my composure and ordered her out of the car. She was a little heart broken by my reaction, but it was the only way I could assure no one saw me cry. She frowned a little, and I told her I loved her. As she exited the vehicle my 14 year old niece came walking up to my car door. She reached in and gave me a hug and immediately burst into tears, loudly sobbing. I helplessly replied "No, please don't do this." Suddenly the tears broke free of my already weakened barriers,  streaming steadily down my face.

I spotted a glassy figure behind crying as well. It was my older niece. Donyale. I shouted "Diamond, I was doing so good!" "Man this is all your fault!" We all laughed through our tears. We expressed our love and Kenya put the truck into gear. My nephews hopped on the back of the vehicle as we drive off. The party goers all waved us off and shouted endearments, I returned the wave feeling like a celebrity.

After such an emotionally draining ordeal, I still had to attend a go away dinner being thrown for us by my wife's boss, who happens to be a friend of the family. To be honest, I was absolutely exhausted and didn't think I had the energy to attend but knew I had to. Sina is such a dear friend and also it would be proper etiquette after all.

As we headed to dinner I thought about one very crucial detail....If I attend this party right now I wont be able to see my grandmother before I left town....NOT going to happen! I voiced this to my wife who completely understood and just had me drop her and the boys off to freshen up and Laila and I vowed to be back in 30mins.

I knocked on my grandmother's door and a short small framed woman answered. It was my aunt Meme. She and my uncle Richard (her brother) were over visiting. I see my aunt often but it was a bonus to see my uncle Richard, he's always been my favorite. I conversed with them for a little while about my moving endeavors and of coursed hugged and loved on my grandmother. She told me I appeared to be loosing weight something she says to me virtually every time I see her. Even though I don't believe it myself, it feels good to hear. I got my aunt to snap a few pictures of my grand mother and I and off I went trying to stay true to my word of being back within half an hour.

I pulled up in front of the door with moments to spare, Kenya and the kids were waiting in the door. We arrived at Sina in less than 5 minutes she literally lived right around the curb.

Everything was sensational. There is nothing like good food, good wine and great friends. It was so awesome to see Sarah a mutual friend of Sina's and ours. She had just arrived back from Japan on a tour. (Out to sea, she is in the Marines). She spoke about how much she enjoyed her trip, showed me lots of photos and bought me back a coffee mug from Japan. How sweet.

We got up around 4a.m. did a last minute walk through of the house and woke the kids just enough to get them situated in the car. We made a pit stop at a local convenient store to fill our gas tanks and our cups with coffee before we ventured out to start our new life in Tennessee. Kenya drove the Uhaul with Shon riding shot gun and I followed in the Armada with Laila and Jon. We were all leveled out on Dremamine, for car sickness something we all get.

The trip was loooooong. It seemed especially tedious because I was driving blind, no navigation system, so Kenya was my only source of guidance. I could not see the road and we drove exceptionally slow to assure her safety in an over-sized vehicle. We finally made it to our temporary destination, The Embassy Hotel.

Where reality finally set in...

"I don't understand why you've been snappy all day."

"You don't understand? You don't understand that I just left my entire family? Everything I've known for the last 35 years?"

"Well at least be consistent. You were just fine a minute ago in the pool. If your going to be miserable, be miserable all the time."

"Got it."

Those were the words echoing in my ears as I cried my eyes out. I'd been having meltdowns all evening, my eyes look as if Michael Strahem cold cocked me twice. My patience level was at zero, my body shaky, nerves shot to hell. At this point I desperately needed a drink.

Thank goodness the hotel offers a FREE happy hour. Move out of the way wine, vodka here I come!

Read Day2 HERE