
10 Personal Best Of The Year

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1. Best Trip of the year: Hands down, my trip to Virginia. I got to see my family, meet my new nephew and party like I hadn't in quite a while!

2. Hardest you laughed this year: When my wife did some wonky maneuver and fell in our shed. I of course made sure she was fine, but she just fell soooooo dramatically over nothing, that it baffled me and then the uncontrollable laughter ensued.

3. Biggest lesson learned this year: Life is way too short. This may seem cliche as hell, but I lost my best friend since childhood this year, and it gave this lesson a brand new meaning.

4. Best thing you did for someone else this year: I saw a woman crying on the steps of the vacant home next to mine. My wife and her mother (who also lives very close by) were texting back and forth trying to figure out who the woman was and why she was there. I on the other hand went outside to check on her and assure she was okay. She explained that the home was her aunt's who had passed and it was the anniversary of her death. She was so appreciative that I checked on her that she moved in the home a few weeks later. Now she's my annoying (insert smile) neighbor.

5. Favorite holiday memory of the year: Sitting near the woods with my father in law, having a few drinks and listening to recollections from his past.

6. Day this past year you'd live over and over:
 The night I got to hang out with my sister and brother in law and A few friends. We went to the club, got wasted and I left out of there wobbling in my kick ass mermaid heels. Then there was the "after party" I care not to expose (insert devious smile).

7. Most Embarrassing Moment of the year: When I was at my wife's family Christmas eve party and one of the press on nails I through on quickly for the party came off and fell on the floor in front of a male family member. I wanted to be discreet about it, but a younger male family member saw it burst into laughter and made it a big scene telling everyone it came off and then asking for super glue. To add insult to injury his gf felt the need to announce that her long nails were real and that she gets overlays. (But your hair ain't real and mine is...insert side eye).

8. Best conversation you had this year: The best conversation I had, and I'm going to go off emotion here, is when my best friend died, I felt like everyone pulled away from me instead of closer to me. I had this one friend, who I've only talk to online and on the phone (never met in person) but read my FB status and called me to console me. And make me laugh. I will never forget that. And look forward to meeting her in person, she will never fully understand how much that meant to me.

9. Biggest achievement of the year: My biggest achievement is probably taking care of and supporting my mental health by keeping doctors appointments, taking prescriptions, and finding ways to comfort and work through anxiety issues.

10. A New year's resolution you kept this year: Blogging! I set this as a New year's resolution and have succeeded so far!

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