cheap buys,

Siren Perfume

1:15 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Perfume:Siren 3.4oz bottle
By: Paris Hilton
Scent: Sweet scent with hints of floral, fruit, vanilla, and citrus.
 Found it at: Ross Department Store
Price at time of purchase: $9.99
Also spotted at Target 
Price Range: $9.99-$17.99

I ran across this treasure while shopping in Ross. The package had a attractive gold mermaid on the front which of course instantly drew my attention. There is no tester station in this particular store so I would be taking a huge leap of faith if I purchased it, but considering that I've purchased Paris Hilton perfumes before with little regret, it would all come down to price. I flipped the package and saw that it was reasonably priced...sold! Worse case scenario I'd end up giving it too my daughter.

It was a keeper!

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