Love and Wine

Today is our 11 year wedding anniversary.  It's crazy thinking back on all that we've been through as a couple. From your Navy career, setting aside time for our college educations, blending our families, and desperately trying to conceive children of our own. We've celebrated and we've met defeat, but what we've never done is turn our backs on each other. Good relationships don't just happen, they take time, patience, understanding, and forgiveness. Kenya, you are my better half, my rock. You and the kids are honestly, my entire world. Cheers to the happy memories of our past and the bright hopes of our future. Love you, baby.

Living Room Makeover


 It was time. Time to get rid of the hideous orange chair (I once loved) out of my living room. My son sits in it constantly, and put his feet in it with his shoes on. No matter how much fuss I make, it didn't stop him. Now the chair has developed little lint balls (because of the texture) and I can not handle it. It has to go!

Design Inspiration: My Grand daughter/Christmas Ornaments

Ever since my grand daughter was born (July), my eyes have honed in on blush/rose gold tones. I don't know if it's the baby girl pink hue that's got me head over heels but every time I see it, I stop in my tracks. It makes no difference if the item is clothing, bedding, shoes, you name it.

Over the weekend I visited a local department store and spotted the blush color several feet away, this time it was Christmas ornaments. Oh my gosh, that's a great idea!! A blush decorated Christmas tree!!! I grabbed several packages of ornaments and tossed them in my cart. Suddenly, my OCD brain had an idea. Why not make the entire living room this color, so when the time comes, the tree matches. 

 Theme:Cozy Blush
Since it's now fall, I decided to create a warm cozy feel, even though the color itself lends more to a warmer month in my opinion. To bring in this vibe, I added furry pillows, fuzzy rugs, and splurged to add a mantle with a faux fireplace.

Color Palette: Grey, White, and Blush

 Details: After choosing the pillows, and other accents for the room, I decided to keep the white shelf, but move it to the opposite side of the room. I wanted to bring various textures into the room, so to contrast the soft pillows and rugs, I tied in birch wood candles. I also did a stone candle holder, a glass vase, faux plants, and a few signs to pull the look together.

Here's a list of where you can find some of these items. Stay tuned I will be doing some sneak peaks of the Christmas Tree things soon!

Blush Area Rug: Ross
Blush Walkway Rug: Ross
Mantle: Biglots
Welcome Decor: Biglots
Candle Holders: Biglots

Birch Candles: Tj Maxx

Live Love Pillows: Tj Maxx

Blush Fur Pillows: Tj Maxx
Stone Candle Holder: Tj Maxx
Large Plant: Tj Maxx

Small Plant:Target
Rose Gold Vase: Ross

Let It Snow Sign: Ross

Bless This Creative Mess Sign: Hobby Lobby

Letter To My Grandmother

Since my granddaughter's birth a little over 2 months ago, I've fallen completely  head over heels in love with everything about her. Hey curly dark hair, her slate grey eyes, the cute way she sucks her fingers when she's hungry. If you are new to the blog, my grand daughter Karson, was born in July, 5 weeks before her due date. She did a short stay in the NICU, but she's now a happy, healthy and thriving little princess.

Karson's arrival marked a milestone, of now having 5 generations still living on Earth. The generations include my granddaughter, daughter, me, my mom, and my grandmother. Talk about Maternal Lineage!! Now that I'm a grandmother, I think of how connected I am and have always been to my own grandmother. I visited a yard sale recently and saw an item that made me think of her. It was a small trinket but laying eyes on it sent a rush of nostalgia through my veins and straight to my heart. I purchased memory maker to send to my grandmother, along with a letter.

It read:
" Hello my darling grandmother,
How are you? I hope this letter finds you doing well. I recently visited a yard sale and on the table set a brooch in the shape of a little girl. I immediately thought of how much I use to love seeing your brooches pinned to you dress at the meetings. After your smile, they were the think I looked forward to most.

When I laid eyes on this particular pin, my heart filled with warmth, love and memories of my childhood. I use to get so excited when I knew we were coming to your house. You were always so welcoming; sharing hugs, kisses and sweet words. After I got my love from you, I'd run to the candy dish and lift the top, hoping there was at least one butterscotch left. That was always my favorite. To this day, whenever I smell the scent of butterscotch, you are the first to come to mind.

Another favorite memory was going into one of the backrooms and combing my dolls hair. You always had so many barrettes, to choose from, you know, the ones you would find on the sidewalk while out in service.

Grandma, just in case you didn't know, you've always been my favorite person. You have been the person I look to when I need guidance, comfort, a place of refuge or a place of peace. You are the glue that holds the fabric of our family together. I know a lot of that comes from your golden heart and your love for Jehovah.

You are a woman of strength. A woman of wisdom. A woman of faith. Your love for our creator has inspired me to the core. I know Jehovah is so proud of who you are! You have helped so many people find him and love him and obey his word. You planted his seed in my heart, it is still blooming and thriving. I will forever be grateful for that. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm trying grandma, and you have my word I will never stop.

Having you as a grandmother has given me courage and strength I didn't know existed. I could never put into words how much your presence in my life has meant to me. Now that I'm a grandmother, I pray that Jehovah shows and allows me to have as much of an impact on my grand daughter's life as you have had on mine. I am so thankful he gave us Jesus as a our example, and you as my personal guide.

I love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength grandma.


Coffee Chronicles: Hot Mom

And by hot I mean flashes.

Florida Family Vacation

Late in the summer, my wife surprised the kids and I with an impromptu family vacation to Panama City Beach, Florida. It was such a beautiful place and felt amazing being back close to the seaside, something my heart has missed so much.

The kids were over the moon, they are kind of like fish out of water and I could see on their faces how much they now realize, that they too, miss riding the waves, building sand castles, and feeling the breeze blow through their hair.

We stayed at Laketown Wharf Resorts, which was within eyesight of Ripley's believe or not and Underworks two places the kids had been wanting to visit.
 The resort also gave us complimentary to a private entrance to the beach. During our stay, we chose a room on the highest level in the building (21st floor), so that we could enjoy the birds eye view from the back balcony. The kids were impressed with the what they saw and I of course siezed the moment for a photo op.
 Later, while peering over the front balcony of our room we noticed a pond that had something floating in it. Upon closer look, we thought could that be a gator?! We headed down to the surface level to see and sure enough, there were gators starring right at us. Certainly scary, but totally cool!
We got a chance to get out and visit Dave and Buster's, a strip with lots of unique stores, and the kids got to see palm trees for the first time in person. They were so tickled about that. Our trip was short and sweet but very much welcomed.

We're already planning a trip back to Florida, next summer but this time we booked a trip to Disney Woooooooorld!!!! My wife's trying to get me to move there, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet.

3 Places That Make Me Feel Whole

1. The Seaside: It brings a sense of calming over me. The sound of the waves crashing: soothes my soul, and the breathtaking beauty puts me at peace. The wind blowing and the cool sand on my toes. Helps me think with a clear mind.

2. My Grandmother's Arms: My grandmother's arms are my security blanket. She is my calm, my happy, and my comfort when I'm scared. She exudes love in a way only a grandmother can, and has never passed judgement on me, even on my ugliest of days. She is a symbol of strength, fond childhood memories, and the eldest of my living maternal lineage.  The faith she has in God inspires me to my deepest inner core. She is the one woman that's had the biggest impact on my life. 

3. My Mother's Kitchen: When we walk into the kitchen, we always have a seat at the table and mom brings out the wine. This is  where I'm free to unload my baggage, take a deep breath and get sound advice, from a person that I know has my best interest at heart. My mom is level headed and thinks logically, talking to her helps me balance out my emotional thinking. All while staring at her beautiful decor.

Where is your happy place? Leave a comment at let me know. I'd love to hear!

Splish Splash, I Was Taking A Bath

Hello loves! I realized I haven't posted anything for my Mermaid family lately. Here's some of the latest goodies, and where I purchased them.

Breakfast Tray: Kroger $14.99
Bath Towel: Ross: $7.99
Wash Clothes: Khol's: $19.99 (6 pack)
Starfish Decor: Hobby Lobby :$3.99
Yankee Candle (7oz.): Khol's $11.99

36 Things To Do When You're Feeling Sad, Stressed or Anxious

1. Go outside
2. Call a friend
3. Drink warm tea
4. Wear comfy sock/clothes
5. Stay in the present
6. Take a deep breath
7. Create something
8. Write about your feelings
9. Tell someone you "I love you"
10. Listen to uplifting music
11. Watch a funny movie
12. Have a treat (like chocolate, pizza or ice cream)
13. Buy fresh flowers
14. Take a walk
15. Read a book
16. Snuggle with your pet
17. Declutter an area in your home
18. Admire art work
19. Take a warm bath
20. Shower and wash up with a favorite scented soap
21. Take care of a simple task (take out trash)
22. Drink water
23. Allow yourself rest
24. Compliment yourself
25. Celebrate small victories
26. Light a candle
27. Write out a gratitude list
28. Read inspirational quotes
29. Pray
30. Go to the seaside or lake
31. Say no, when you are overwhelmed
32. Say yes, when you are stagnant
33. Color in a coloring book
34. Cuddle with someone
35. Replace negative thoughts with a compliment to yourself
36. Send someone a thank you card, or one just to let them know your thinking of them

Milk Color Rush (Kid Science Experiment)

The kids and I discovered this activity over the summer and it was a HUGE hit! I'll admit I was initially worried if it would hold interest, because to be frank if its not Fornite related, it's "stupid" in the words of my 8 year old.

Surprisingly the bright colors and the effect, won them over for a few minutes. They wanted to create it again and again!

To produce the color rush you need a shallow pan (we used a cake pan), enough milk to cover the bottom of the pan, and a variety of food coloring (we use neon colors). It is really beautiful when using at least 3 different colors.

You will also need dish detergent (or hand soap) and if you have a little one like mine, who doesn't like to get their hands dirty, you'll need a Q-tip (cotton swab).

Fill the pan with milk, drop in several drops of food coloring in different colors, dip the Q-tip in detergent and place it in in the center of the pan. Watch the effect! The colors will rush away!

If your child is willing, they can just dip their finger in the dish detergent (instead of a cotton swab) and place their finger in the center of the pan to create the rush away effect.