appetizers and sides,

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

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 Happy Monday my loves!
 Anybody in the mood for a yummy veggie recipe? I fell in love with asparagus quite a while ago, but I've been desperately trying to figure out a way to help the kids fall head over heels with it as well.  I'm pretty sure I've finally got it! The secret weapon...bacon.  Because no one, not even kids, can resist anything wrapped in bacon. Add to that some grated cheese, garlic, and Italian bread crumbs and this veggie is practically irresistible.

You need about a pound of asparagus trimmed at the end and 6 or 7 slices of bacon that's cut in half the long way (so you have about 14 long slim bacon strips).

Combine your bread crumbs, cheese, salt, pepper and garlic in a small bowl. Place your asparagus into a large Ziploc bag and drizzle a couple tablespoons of olive oil on top.  Seal the bag and shake it to coat.
Open the bag and empty your bread crumb mixture into it. Again seal and shake the bag really good ensuring you coat all the asparagus.
 Remove a few (about 3) pieces of asparagus and wrap in a slice of bacon, then place on a baking sheet. Continue this process until all asparagus is wrapped. Place baking sheet in oven on 400F for about 20mins.
 Mommy tested, kid approved! Now if I can just find a way to wrap homework in this stuff...

Here's What You'll Need:
1lb. Asparagus, trimmed
7 slices of bacon, cut in half the long way
2tbsp olive oil
3tbsp Italian bread crumbs
3tbsp grated parmesan
1/2 tsp Kosher salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp garlic powder

Here's What You Do:
1. Preheat oven to 400F.
2. Combine bread crumbs and all seasonings in a small bowl.
3. Place asparagus in a Ziploc bag and drizzle the olive oil over the asparagus.
4. Close bag and shake to coat asparagus in oil.
5. Open bag and add bread crumb mixture.
6. Close bag and shake to coat asparagus.
7. Take 3 asparagus pieces and wrap with one slice of bacon, placing it on a baking sheet.
8. Continue step 7 until all asparagus is wrapped and on sheet.
9. Place baking sheet in oven for 20mins or until bacon is done.

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