appetizers and sides,

Garlic Butter Roasted Parmesan Carrots

10:21 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Oh delicious carrot heaven! I just can't take it. I'd ask to be reincarnated as a bunny rabbit if i knew I could be fed these orange tasty treasures all day.

I seriously kept watching over my shoulder and popping them in my mouth. They are that scrumptious! You'll want them all to yourself.

Or maybe I'm just a bona fide veggie pheen. Who knows...

Just get a 1lb bag of carrots. Chop those  beauties up into large bite size pieces. Take some butter, melt it and stir in the garlic. 

Pour the garlic butter over the carrots and toss them to coat. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on them and a little parsley. Half way through cooking add the Parmesan. 

In 30 minutes you'll understand my addiction. And we can eventually both seek help first (wink).

Here's What You'll Need:
1 lb of carrots
2 oz grated Parmesan 
3 Tbsp butter
1/2 tsp garlic powder 
1 tsp parsley
1 tsp Kosher salt 
1/2 tsp black pepper

Here's What You Do:
1. Preheat oven to 400F
2. Cut carrots in pieces or leave them while.
3. Place butter in a microwavable bowl and warm a few seconds until melted. Add garlic to bowl stir. 4. Pour garlic butter over carrots. Toss carrots around in sauce until coated. Season with salt, pepper and parsley. 
5. Place in oven for about 20 mins. Remove from oven sprinkle on Parmesan cheese. Place back in over for an additional 10 mins. 

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