
Thursday Thoughts: Love

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For this episode of Thursday Thoughts 5 randomly selected (love) quotes were shown to 5 individuals (myself included). Each person was then asked if they agree, disagree, or believe there is a gray area to the message. Who's thoughts do you relate to the most?
 Person 1: "For the most part I absolutely agree. If you have no kids, or other familial obligations such as marriage, I say run, run like there's no tomorrow into the 2nd persons arms. Because I believe that is where your heart is...however if the former is true, there is much more to consider. In this case I say stay put a little longer, weigh things out. If there is even the slightest pullback. Remain where you are a little longer. Either you will come to your senses, or you will quickly realize you're miserable. At this point, you'll be in a different mindset (fuck it mode) and you will just make whatever obligations work in a new way. If you don't reach fuck it mode, I won't judge you. Just go and put Luther Vandross on repeat "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." 
Person 2: "I disagree, because sometimes the relationship is still there. It could be a time period where there is a struggle, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are out of love with the person. It does, however, make it easier for someone else to make an entrance."
Person 3: "I somewhat agree. It could also be the 80/20 rule. Meaning, You will never find someone who is 100% of everything you want in a partner. No one is perfect. However, most people do find about 80% of what they want in the person they choose to settle down with and marry. The person could be missing qualities like being able to cook, hating PDA, or not sharing in your music interest. Then you come across someone who loves to cook, wants the whole world to see your affection, and is an artist of all sorts. So this could easily be seen as the person you should be with, that's where most people go wrong. They don't look at the bigger picture. That person has 20% of what you're missing, that's it. The other has 80. Never leave 80 for 20." 
Person 4: "I think you should never entertain the second one because you cannot fix issues in your house by going outside it. If you were happy enough at any point to believe that the first one was your soul mate you should fight for it...However if you never fully loved the first person whole heartedly then that's why the second person exists..." 
  Person 5: "I agree. if, you were in love with the first person you wouldn't have allowed yourself to put in enough energy to fall in love with the second one."

Person 1: "I disagree, you can definitely spend a lot of time with someone, sleep in the same bed and fall in love. Now staying in love, you need the latter for that."
Person 2: "I don't know if sleeping in the same bed was a prelude to sex specifically, but, I feel that even though sex is a very important part of a relationship, there is so much more to being in love and binding people. So I agree."
Person 3: "I somewhat agree. People fall in love for different reasons, sharing a bed and being around a person can be enough to learn to love them. It doesn't have to be because you trust each other, you can love someone and not trust them..." 
Person 4: "I do believe that in due time any two people will grow to love each other. If you spend endless nights together you will end up loving them." 
Person 5: "I agree you don't fall in true love just by sleeping together. And yes, I agree it has to be a similar foundation and somewhat of the same dreams."
 Person 1: "Sadly, I agree. Because from my life experience, I've been in love at times with people I shouldn't have, or couldn't be romantically involved with (openly) for one reason or another. That doesn't change the fact that these people still enriched my life in an unforgettable way. One in particular, I know for sure, I wouldn't be the person I am today, had I not loved them."

Person 2: "Umm, I think I disagree with that. I feel like love is the strongest, most powerful emotion. As long as it is felt mutually, it should be fought for."

Person 3: "That plays into whether or not you believe in fate, if fate brought you two together despite the odds then fate will keep you two together. But if you stumble upon one another and fall in love, the only reason you wouldn't be together is, you two don't share the same love." 

Person 4: "I don't know about this...I think it's timing. I felt I was in love many times. As I get older I question those relationships a lot. Some had to have been lust. Either that or I'm one of those crazy in love type of girls. I fall hard and fast and I hate it. I definitely wasn't meant to be with those exes. I can't believe I even thought I could. I was out of my mind."

Person 5: "That's true, just because you fell in love with them doesn't mean they are going to benefit you in other ways, it just doesn't mean that's the one you're suppose to be with, simply because you fell in love with them."
 Person 1: "I completely disagree, however right after I said that, I begin to think a little more complex. I do feel I love my exes more than that of a friend (meaning exes I was in love with). However, out of respect for current/future relationships I consciously make the decision to keep those relationships platonic. If I wanted to cross the line, it is certainly there to cross."
Person 2: "I somewhat agree. I think that human nature just has an automatic assumption that something is going on if two people remain friends. More common than not, there usually is some inappropriateness going on. However, I disagree that if they were in a previous relationship, and are now friends, that they were never in love."
Person 3: "There's a saying: Friends before lovers forever, and lovers before friends never. I think it depends on the people, you can still love that person and not be in love with them anymore."

Person 4: "Two people that broke up could never be friends! Hell no. Trust me I know this for a fact. Don't fall for it."

Person 5: "I don't think they can be friends and if they are, something is still there."
Person 1: "The keyword is truly. If true love is there, two people can absolutely focus on one another. In this day and age there are so many ways to stay connected. Add with a little creativity, this can actually be pretty cool."
Person 2: " I agree. Even though distance wears on a relationship, I think its very hard, and not for the faint at heart. I also feel with love, effort, and constant communication (and tons of sexy video clips), you can make it work.

Person 3: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but too much of a good thing, really isn't a good thing."

Person 4: "Distance nor time can separate two people in love. The heart will endure and wait. It may sin and be weak in its dark moments, but love is everlasting."

Person 5: "True. If they are in true love, it won't."

**{A little about the interviewees: All were women, ranging in age from 20-40. With a very diverse relationship background.}. **
Did you agree with one person more? Have a mixture of agreements? Is your view completely different? Sound off in the comments we'd love to hear your perspective!

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