
Guess Who's Expecting...

3:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments


Well I suppose that's not entirely true, I mean I'm not exactly pregnant....BUT my daughter is. So technically I'm becoming a mother again, this time with the word "grand" in front of it. Sounds so crazy, but it feels absolutely amazing.

My wife and I found out around Christmas that we would be expecting our first grandchild mid August.  I deeply apologize that I'm just getting around to updating you guys (at least you don't have to wait a whole pregnancy). But go ahead, tell me I suck. Let me know how ridiculously inconsiderate I am, and then take a deep breath and remember that I'm here now. I promise to get you all caught up on life's happenings, plus I have some exciting things lined up for the blog!

We know the gender of the baby but I'm not sharing just yet! What I will share are these beautiful images from my daughter and her husband's maternity session! Love tank on full!

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