
Prayer For My Children

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Heavenly father you give gifts in abundance, and I am grateful for each and every one. Jehovah, the most precious gifts you have given me are my children and I can't thank you enough. Lord we both know it doesn't matter if they grew in the depths of my womb or the chambers of my heart, the love is the same, and to be honest, I have a hard time differentiating between the two, but I ask you that you never remind me, never.

Most high, I'm coming to you as I do each day, asking that you wrap your tender arms around these young lives that I love so much, protect them from harm, sadness and the unknown. Please bless them through life's trials and encourage them to choose the right paths, and avoid Satan's traps. We know he is working diligently to mislead them, every chance he gets.

Father you know each and every one of my children's hearts. You know their strengths, their weaknesses, what makes them smile and what keeps them up at night. You know every detail, from the number of hairs on their head, to the number of times, they showered, and actually washed their feet.

Jehovah, all I want to do is instill in them, what my mother, and her mother instilled in me. And that's the love for you, oh mighty one. Jehovah I pray that my children draw closer and closer to you without relent. I want them to know your name, to know that you and only you have power to forgive our sins, make the impossible, possible and understand without measure. You are such a loving God, oh Jehovah.

Father, while I'm here, I want to express my gratitude for an unexpected, but desperately wanted blessing you gave my family. Thank you for gracing our lives with a baby for my daughter and her husband. Lord, it feels like yesterday I was holding my child in my arms, changing her diapers, and singing to her at bedtime. Now, she is carrying a child of her own.

Jehovah as Lori and Joe anticipate the birth of their first child, my first grand child, I ask that you continue to guide them lovingly in their titles of husband and wife, and rigorously prepare them for their new roles as mother and father.

Please protect this little life in my daughter's womb, Jehovah I love this baby more than words will ever do me, but I know you can feel my the overflow of my heart, which is now using my eyes as a means of expression.

Heavenly father as the birth of my granddaughter, Karson, impends, I ask that you guard against anything unforeseen, and protecting both mother and child from harm. I ask these through your son, Jesus Christ.

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