
Sunrise Smoothie (Clementine and banana)

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Hey love! Have you ever walked into a spider web? You know, you feel it, freak out for a sec, then check yourself over to convince yourself you're good and carry on. That happened to me this morning, while I was putting my son on the bus. When I came back inside, I sat down in the living room. I felt a weird sensation, looked down and there it was...a HUGE spider crawling up my shirt! I seriously almost killed myself trying to get it off of me and get away. I tripped over my dog, and stubbed my toe on the edge of the couch in the process. I eventually mustered up enough courage to grab a shoe and seal its fate.  I appologize in advance to all you bug enthusiast out there.

If you're wondering, I'm okay. I did need a little something celebrate the fact that I didn't get eaten by that vicious ugly spider. Which was totally a small spider, but don't judge me, it looked 100x bigger when it was on my clothes!

This sunshine smoothie was enough to calm my brain. It deliciously incorporates bananas, clementines, and vanilla yogurt. Yum! This recipe is enough to share, so half it if you'd like, or if you're having a morning like me just enjoy it! {If you love smoothies check out this:blueberry muffin smoothie or peach cobbler smoothie}.

Here's What You'll Need:
2 clementines
2 bananas (ripe ones are best)
6oz. Vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup milk (I use 2%)
1 cup ice

Here's What You Do:
1. Peel your fruit and break it apart.
2. Place all ingredients into blender and blend til smooth.

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