
What Will Our GrandChild Call Us?

8:51 PM Unknown 0 Comments

As I recently revealed, we will be expecting our first grandchild any day now. That got me to thinking what will the baby call us? Should we go traditional or nontraditional? Creative or staple? What about the fact that there's two grandmother's. With so many things to consider and the thought that this title would be upheld several years (and possibly several grand kids), I really wanted to choose wisely.

Being true to myself, I knew I was far from traditional. I had no interest in grandma, granny or even the modern nana, mimi, or that whole glam-ma thing. I was feeling kind of lost, when suddenly all the names I've had in life filtered through my brain, one in particular stood out, my childhood nickname, Pooh bear, eventually shortened to Pooh. OMG I've got it!

Honey! Life just went full circle with this one. Seriously, Honey is sweet, fun, and respectful enough to grow with age. 

Now it was time to help my wife choose her name. We wanted to stick with something equally as sweet. We toyed with Peaches, Coco, and Lolly. They were fitting, but further in our conversation we discussed how her father use to call her tugga-bugga. We both looked at each other and shouted Sugga!!!! Accept she's no longer into that southern flair, so it's Sugar.

Sugar and Honey.

Waiting patiently for our Sweet Tea. Sweety. See what I did there?

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