
Letter To My Wife

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Earlier this month I wrote a post on how to write a love letter.

 I was in the middle of writing one to my wife. It didn't come out as mushy as I hoped. Haha maybe I'm not as romantic as I thought. However it was 4 pages long on paper.
I gave it to her on Valentine's day, she waited til she was away from me to read it (at work). She texted and said I read my letter and it was very touching. She doesn't speak out much, so that was actually big for her. So maybe it did make some sort of impact. That's all that counts.

Anyway, I wanted to share it with you guys:

Hello my love,

It's Valentine's Day! Or as you refer to it: The day of hopeless romantics, day dreamers, and those who believe in fairy tales...Sure our fairytale is a bit unconventional (like prince charming, being a princess), but as you know, I'm whole-heartedly a believer. What I'm trying to say is, you've bought something magical to my life, that wasn't there before (insert singing tea kettle), and this letter is long overdue.

I remember the day we met, you strolled into my classroom, feet dragging, shoe laces untied. You were wearing those fresh wheat Timbs, that had me God they were so sexy on you!

We became friends, but there was was this undeniable chemistry we both felt, a connection so powerful we had to come up with our own word. Dessesbo. Obsessed spelled backwards. Before we knew it we were throwing our current lovers out and building a relationship of our own (see, unconventional at its finest) :)

Baby do you remember our first Valentine's day? It was the first holiday we shared together, (before all the crazy stuff) we had only been dating maybe 3 weeks at the most. At that point, all I knew was that you liked dolphins. I had no idea what to get you, but I knew I wanted to do more than a teddy bear and balloons. I wanted to personalize your gift. Dolphins...Jessica and I walked that packed mall the entire day, in and out of every single store and couldn't find anything suitable as a gift, with dolphins on it.

We were about to call it a night when we spotted one last store we hadn't gone in. It was actually a store I'd never even seen, kind of strange, but what the heck. We took a look around, nothing caught our eye. We walked to the back of the store and on the bottom shelf sat a lamp, a dolphin lamp. I squealed in excitement and she looked at me like I was crazy. Clearly all my logical thinking was out of the window at this point. I said ”Its dolphins she'll love it”! I smiled ear to ear, proudly handing over my $80 dollars for this small lamp with 2 fish on it.

The next morning, I bought my gift over to you, and to my surprise you handed me a gift first. It was an silver Burberry watch and some expensive perfume. My heart started raising, I wasn't expecting something of this caliber, being our relationship was so new. I was now traumatized to hell about giving you my gift.

I reluctantly handed you the gift bag and you pulled out the lamp. You looked it over, smiled and said “Thanks, that's sweet.” I knew in the back of my mind you hated it, but you never showed it. You said you'd plug it in when you got home. Face palm moment, I hope you have a spare light bulb.

That was a decade ago today. I've conjured up many more emotionally impelled decisions since then. But you've been there to guide me through the worst of them and support me through the not so crazy, crazy ones (like the obsessively transforming our bonus room into a bed and breakfast, then a childcare center, then a photography studio).

You've encouraged me and helped me grow in countless ways. One of them, when I was terrified to ride on the interstate. You comforted me and assured me it wasn't nearly as bad as it seemed. You took time out several days in a row, making unnecessary trips to my job, just so I could tail you on the interstate, learn the route and feel safe and at ease.

I am capable, more confident, and more driven than at any other point in my life and I that is largely because of you.

I admire your hard work and dedication, how you provide for our family, and how you don't seem to fear anything and even if you do, you push through it courageously.

Fairy tales may not exist, but love sure makes a difference in the world and you and our family make all the difference in my life. Every time I lay eyes on you, I see a remarkable woman with so many dimensions-those of strength, courage, and loyalty.

Baby I can't wait to finish raising our family, then setting out together on our traveling adventures. Vegas here we come!! Happy Valentine's day to the lady that is the best part of my past and all of my future.

Love you forever,


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