how to write a love letter,

Written in the Raw:Volume I

6:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

*Names have been changed to maintain privacy.


 Love comes in many forms. It exists between partners, parents, children, siblings, and friends. Each being as unique as the persons involved.  

 To start the countdown to Valentine's Day, I am sharing with you a few excerpts from real love letters I've collected from men and women over the years.

Some of these passages contain happiness, others guilt or heartbreak; but all express true raw emotion to the person that they love.

“You know I have this pull…….and I mean FULL FORCE pull inside me that I fight every single day. It’s like I’m metal, and you’re a magnet. I want to be with you sooo bad…”

Under Construction
“It's funny you are knocking walls down as I'm trying to build them. I don't want to let anyone in. You can come over to visit but you can't go in my secret rooms, I'm building an indestructible fortress around those 4 chambers.”

Now or Never
“Sometimes I fill this fear that I'm constantly trying to bury that tells me that you don't now nor will you ever love me the way I love you.”

A Father's Need
“Alright my beautiful daughters I've called you 2 and if I knew Shelly's number it would b 3. I've texted u both to no avail. I know I ain't done right by y'all but I do love y'all and I need y'all in my life.

Ure probably saying fuck u old man u weren't there for us and I don’t blame u, but I'm askin and praying for forgiveness. I'd like to get to know y'all and my grand kids. I love u girls with all I am. I always have, but I'm an addict.

I can't say was because once u are, u always are, but u can lock it away and don’t feed it and it will loose its strength and shrivel up. It won't ever die, but eventually, to keep from dieing, it will find another food source.

I've found that mine likes love and god and family happiness peace and tranquility. I'm almost to a point where I can feed it 3 squares a day all I'm missing is family a couple of the others come with family will y'all help me?

I'd consider it an honor, the highest honor a man could assert on this earth. It took me a long time to write this... kept getting teared up and couldn’t see. I hope u understand what I'm trying to say. I love y'all. Good night, sleep with angels on ure pillow.”

 Emotional Rollercoaster
 “Sorry if I upset you today with my tears. I was just a little emotional from the pregnancy I guess. So many different changes for my body and the stress that’s all. Kind of stressed I've been in pain. Just need some relaxation and a clear mind. But most of all I need you and your support…Suffering from hemorrhoid and heart burn.”
 “Sooooo, as far as my anxieties go….
I’m just afraid that I won’t be good enough. I’m afraid that I’m not pretty enough for you. Or sexy enough for you. Or interesting enough to hold onto your attention. I’m afraid that you won’t like my body. {{{I’m afraid that you’ll get bored and “wonder”.}}} I’m scared that once we introduce “outsiders” into our relationship you’ll change, and not “like” or want to be with me anymore. I’m SO scared that I’ll fail you in some way, and I think that’s because I want to be SO much for you, I want to be everything you want and more…I want to exceed any and all expectations you have {don’t get me wrong, I TOTALLY realize how I’m in a sense maybe setting myself up for failure…I know I’m not perfect}. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m just scared.”
Lightening Speed
“Ok…see it's like this. When we first started "talking" or whatever we both expected this to be a casual short-lived relationship. At least I DID. But then before I knew it I fell for you (Hard and Fast). Suddenly I couldn't see my future (life) with anyone else…even a simple thought, a thought of having the life I wanted-dreamed of- with anyone besides you was frightening; unbearable, damn near impossible, and honestly it literally makes me sick to my stomach. That's right physically sickening. Simply terrifying.”

 What's your take on love? Sound off in the comments below!
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