letter to my camera,

Open Letter To Cammy (my DSLR camera)

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Cammy is my Nikon D90 DSLR camera I've had for nearly 7 years and has sadly maxed her shutter.

It truly breaks my heart...

My dearest Cammy,
It seems as if just yesterday our paths crossed, instantly molding one of my life's greatest romances. It was my 30th birthday, which also happened to be 2 days before my wife would give birth to our twin boys.

I was handed a gift bag (by my wife),anxiously reaching in, to expose the contents inside. To my surprise it was DSLR camera, you. I removed you from your box, admired your beauty, and though slightly intimidated, I vowed to get to know you better. From that moment we were inseparable.  You were the only family member invited up close and personal to our children's birth. Your eyes captured the moment they entered the world, and every milestone there after.

You are the one thing that has been consistent in my life, showing me how to see the world uniquely, acknowledging exquisiteness in even the most mundane.

As my 37th birthday quickly approaches, and the twins birthday as well, I realized a very important piece of our lives would be missing. Who will I trust to capture the new crows feet lining the edge of my eyes as I share laughs with family and friends.

Who will be there to freeze the toothless smiles of the boys as they unwrap their birthday gifts (one being the Skylander Imaginators game they've been waiting for all year). Those smiles are gonna be EPIC!

Cammy you helped me launch my career as an artist and have pulled out creativity in me that I never knew existed. You've offered me a means of expression when words just wouldn't do.

Language can't convey the emotional impact I'm feeling at this very moment, yet I can't turn to you as a source of guidance. I will miss you more than any one will ever be able to comprehend.

Cammy you changed my life. For now you will be placed in my box of treasures along with the many "greats" before your time. I have a collection of cameras from my great grandparents, grandparents, parents, and now you, my dear friend, will be added to this this memorabilia. 

 I loved you for a thousand clicks and I'll love you for a thousand more.

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