
The Two Most Influential Men in My life

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As I was scouring the web looking for a topic for my next post I came across "most influential men in my life". I had to think for a second, because you see, I have no brothers, my father left early on, and my stepfather passed away when I was younger...God rest his beautiful soul.

This would certainly be a thought provoking topic for me, so I took on the challenge.

Influence is defined as "the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something."

With that being said, only a handful of men came to mind. One of them being my children's father, who served our country as a Navy sailor, and currently serves his community as a Los Angeles firefighter. He is definitely one of the greats. Not just for what he does for others, but he is well educated, hard working and loves his family to the core.

Another person that came to mind is Jonathan, a lifelong friend, who also served our country as an Army solider and now serves the community as a Newport News police officer. He has been there for me throughout life continuously picking me up where I fall short and lifts my spirits when I feel low.  To be frank, I owe him my life, but I will save that story for another day.

While both of these men will always be near and dear to my heart, today I want to take a moment to  write about the two most influential men.

For some reason when I think of most, I interpret that as something deeply rooted. Individuals that are a bit older and wiser than those in my peer group. There's just something you get from an earlier generation that's a bit more intriguing, a little more soul soothing, if you will.

 My heart has completely burst open from the abundance of love and admiration I feel for the two men I'm about to introduce. Oddly enough they bare many striking resemblances to one another, despite the fact they've never crossed paths in their lifetimes. I am honored, that in my lifetime, I was able to encounter them both.

My maternal grandfather and my father-in-law are the two most influential men in my life.

They both have beautiful golden brown skin injected with a crimson tone, a tribute to their Native American ancestors. Both of them stare back at you with amber tinted eyes, telling a tale of age, life, and a slight over indulgence in alcohol.

As far as personalities they share that "bad boy" trait, the one girls tend to go crazy for. They both have a bit of a mean streak, but once you break down their walls, they will do anything for you, even if it means laying down their own lives. Living by the code "family is everything" and if necessary, will quickly resort to street code.

They are providers for their families and are constantly giving knowledge and guidance, teaching life lessons to the younger generations. These lessons uniquely blended to be about morals, ethics, and laced with a balance of street knowledge.

Unfortunately, my grandfather died many years ago, before I was able to appreciate his words of wisdom with a mature frame of mind (thank goodness I still remember some things).

When I first met my father in law I was taken aback by his appearance and demeanor. Something had me completely drawn to him and I felt this sense of urgency to love and protect him. It was almost as if I was getting a 2nd chance with my grandfather (my father in law is almost 70).

I quickly learned that guarding him would have to be done at a distance because as a protector himself, he dismisses the thought of needing to be protected (by anyone but the good lord).

 In his younger years he was well respected and well known by his peers. Even to this day as I meet others that know him it is obvious that the former still rings true.

His body is aging as expected, but to him his mind and heart are as potent as they were in the prime of his youth.

He walks with a limp (the result of a broken ankle years ago), he tends to be forgetful (comes with age), and his blood pressure rises and falls...but guess what this is where my protection discreetly comes in.

I become his brain when he forgets things, his eyes when he has misplaced something, my hands his safety net if he seems to be staggering more than usual on any given day.

I ask the important questions...Have you eaten? Did you get a chance to take your medicine? How's your pressure today?

I oversee him out the window (he lives within walking distance) to be sure he gets to his car. Or in the door of his home. Making sure he doesn't lock himself out for the umpteenth time. :)

Protection in a non-intrusive way.
It's how he remains young and I remain sane.

Sound off in the comments and let me know: Who are the influential men in your life?

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