creative recipes,

Watermelon Jolly Rancher Snow Ice cream

3:36 PM Unknown 0 Comments

 I awakened this morning to the sight of snow painting itself upon the streets, grass and trees, creating a winter white masterpiece. Large snowflakes propelled downward, just begging to be tasted by a warm open tongue.

My wife was in the kitchen preparing an tomato basil soup and the smell of slightly overcooked grill cheese sandwiches filled the air. The atmosphere sparked a nostalgic moment from my childhood.

A time when my father was still living at home with us, every winter having my sisters and I collect snow and when we returned he would create a delicious creamy treat.

 His recipe consisted of snow, whole milk, sugar and a spoon of vanilla. When I became a mom, I continued this tradition, making snow cream in a similar manner. I will always be a fan of the classic snow ice cream recipe, but I also enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and putting a little spin on things.  Here's how I created my watermelon jolly rancher snow cream.

 The kids and I went out and gathered 10-12 cups of fresh clean snow in a large bowl. When we came inside I opened and added a can of sweetened condensed milk.

While rummaging through the cabinet for sprinkles, a small box of watermelon flavoring jumped out at me. As I reached to place it back into the cabinet, I was hit with an aha moment.  I opened a packet of flavoring and added it to the mix.

Using a large spoon I stirred things until it was of ice cream consistency. The color was beautiful, but the taste would be the tell all. Oh my gosh! When I say freaking wee wow! The kids and I agree we have a winner.  Gourmet flavor for sure.

Here's what you'll need:

10-12 cups fresh clean snow
1 (14oz)can sweetened condensed milk
1 packet of Jolly Rancher water flavoring (you can find this in the grocery store next to Kool-aid, Crystal Light etc.)
Sprinkles (optional)

Here's what you do:

Place snow in a large bowl. Add sweetened condensed milk and jolly rancher flavoring.
Mix everything together well until the snow is of ice cream consistency.
If your ice cream seems a bit loose, continue to add snow in small increments until it reaches your preferred texture.

Enjoy immediately or place in freezer.


If it's still snowing, just place your large bowl in the snow, so it can collect on its on.

Placing serving bowls in the freezer before serving keeps the cream from melting as quickly.

One packet of jolly rancher flavoring is enough. I've tried 2 packs and the taste was a bit overwhelming (even for the kiddos).

If you try this please share your thoughts.
 If you make snow ice cream and come up with an amazing concoction do share we'd love to hear!

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