
My Baking Valentine

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Love day, as the kids and I call it, is my absolute favorite day of the year! I'm such a hopeless romantic, and having a day surrounded with tons of love and affection just warms my soul to the core. 

As a tradition each year, I create a mini Valentine's Day session of my children. With so many things going on and the month of January slipping like quicksand through my fingers, I was uncertain if I would get afforded the opportunity this go around. Interestingly enough, when we woke this morning schools were closed anticipating winter weather. I jumped at the chance to capture a few images. Here's the highlights from a sweet moment in the kitchen, as my 12 year old daughter made treats for her younger brothers.   

 P.S. We didn't get snow today, but they are calling for 1-3 inches over the weekend. I am hoping to capture some photos of the boys then.

Do you have any Valentine's Day traditions?

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest! 

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