coffee chronicles

Coffee Chronicles: My Idea Of A Perfect Morning

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This would be my idea of a perfect morning...
After a night of cocktails and bomb sex, I wake up in a room with extremely large glass windows. Peering out to see roaring waves of the ocean, the golden sun hidden discretely behind clouds. Rays beam through, resembling what I think of as heaven.

I hop in the shower and feel the warm water against my skin. It instantly brings relief from the anxiety that's been lingering. Loofah in hand, I wash with my favorite Olay body wash (birch water & lavender) and clean my hair, taking a moment to admire how smooth my parts are from shaving the night before.

 Out of the shower, I put on soft comfy Pjs In a pastel blue, that brings out my eyes. I cover my feet in fresh white socks that pull up mid way to my calves.

A quick glance in the mirror reveals the curl pattern in my hair, and this morning it’s strikingly beautiful. I smell, then notice a cup of perfectly tempered Starbucks Blondie coffee waiting at the bed side.  The aroma delighting my senses.

 I stroll through the house admiring the art on the wall, smiling, because, well I was the artist who created it.

I enter the kitchen, seeing all 7 of my children content, making breakfast together. They’ve made french toast, cheese eggs, chewy bacon (because they know how much I like it), and orange juice.
There is also fresh green grapes, sliced oranges, and bananas available.

I glance over and see my grand daughter, Karson, happily playing on the carpet in a mermaid crown she refuses to take off.  My wife greets me with a kiss, inquiring about my sleep.  I answer only with a devious look, because she knows exactly what she did to put me to sleep last night.

After breakfast and chatting with the kids about the current happenings in their lives, we head outdoors. I’m taken aback by the beauty of this moment. The family is wrapped in gorgeous moody light, soft wind blowing through their hair and the crashing waves, duly serving as scenery and background music. Still in pjs, I gather everyone close, set the timer and snap family photos capturing the magic of it all. 

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