
Treasure Chest

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I've got a chest of treasures. It's one of my life's grandest possessions. The contents contained in this beautiful French inscribed butterfly box are of priceless value.

Now before you go all pirate like on me, and set you up a crew like the Goonies, I must warn you the "X' that marks the spot on this map, is firmly planted within 4 chambers. Sentimental rewards.

I feel very privileged to have so many wonderful heirlooms to hold on to and hopefully pass down to my children, adding a part my personal history as well.

Here's a peek inside:
 My great grandfather's (maternal) Camera: This is a 1970's Keystone Everflash 10 camera. It's mainly brown with some tan bordering. It has a 40mm lens and shoots at f8. It's still kept in it's original box with paper work.What's extra cool is my great grandfather some how engraved his signature and social security number into the camera. What a super awesome personal touch!
My grandmother's (maternal) Camera an carrying case: This is a 1965 Agfa Agfamatic 126 camera by Kodak. It's in a black leather case. That my grandmother wrote her name in pen inside. The outside of the case looks like it has white splats of paint on it. I don't know how it happened, but I will ask her, thankfully she is still living. She's in her 90's.
My mother's Camera flash and lens: The lens is a Vivitar  auto 2600. It has an exposure range of 3-300ft. It has f/stops of 2 and 4. The lens is a Vivitar series 1, 90mm macro lens.
My grandmother (paternal) sunglasses & earrings: Just some vintage wide-eyed vintage sunglasses. The earrings are a pair of bronze metal earrings with multiple colors on the front.

My great grandfather's (maternal) watch: A small gold Seiko wrist watch. I was 11 years old when my great grandfather was on his death bed. He called me into the room and told me he wanted me to have this. I didn't know how to respond. I didn't fully understand the extent of what was going on. But I thanked him very much. Now, I realize this watch is a women's watch and wonder who it belonged to.
A Childhood baseball: Just a random baseball I got from a dollar store as a kid. But I got my family members to sign for fun. So it's a souvenir of sorts.
The twins pacifiers: Personalized pacifiers of the babies. Neither of them really took a pacifier when they were young, but we had these made before they were born in the colors we planned on dressing them in to tell them apart.

My collage tassel: My tassel from Kaplan University. Associates in Early Childhood Education.

A picture my daughter Laila drew: I don't remember how young she was but I know she was a lot younger, and she drew herself and wrote that she loves me.

A few photos: Pictures and ID cards of the kids and a few of me and my wife when we first got together.

Navy Coins: My wife actually gave me these, but I may save them for the kids.

Do you have any family treasures? I'd love to hear about them!

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