
Mermaid Heels

11:59 PM Unknown 0 Comments

My daughter, who as you may know is currently in Kentucky for school, sent an image to my phone that made me literally stop in my tracks! She happened to be out shopping and ran across these bad ass pumps. When I tell you my jaw literally dropped! I mean, I honestly thought they were the most amazing thing I'd ever seen in life. I texted her back with a ton of  heart and fish emojis accompanied with an "OMG where the heck are you?!"


I slid into the flipflops resting at the door, said a silent prayer in hopes the store here in Tennessee carried them and jumped in the car on the 35min ride to this place of business (and my scaly treasure).

Upon entering, I noticed an associate near the front. She became my map and new exactly where the "X" marked the spot. We rounded the corner, and there they were beautifully glistening from the back wall. The only thing that stood between these shoes and my feet now was the size. I quickly thanked the help, said another prayer and walked over to investigate further. Size 8. Yesssssssssss!!!!! And they're on sale!!

If their is a mermaid heaven, I"m pretty sure its right here in this place.

 Now if only I can only learn to walk in heels....

**Just a heads up if you love these as much as I do, you may want to make a trip into the store as well, I could not find them on online.**

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