
Grandma's Gift

7:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Family. It's one of life's finest treasures.
It's what made moving so hard.

You would think I would be settled by now, but the truth is I'm not. I've gotten a little more comfortable than I was initially, but I still have my reserves. On my recent trip home I visited my grandmother. The sweetest person I've ever known, and one of the most spiritual and loving person's you'd ever meet. To be honest, she's the one person, I look up to the most in the entire world. My go to person when I'm feeling low, in search of advice, or just need a little extra TLC. She just puts my soul at ease when I'm around her.

Now, I could go on and on about my grandmother, but well, I think you get the gist of where I'm coming from. Anyway, as I was leaving grandma's house(after giving her hugs and kisses of course)...she stopped me and said "I just wish I had something to give you. You know, I just wanna give you a gift or something, something you can say you got from your grandma."

 I smiled and thought, what a sweet thing to say, (I wish she could understand that her presence is a gift in itself).  For some odd reason as I waving her off, I looked down on her porch and saw several pots of plants, and at the edge of the step was a baby plant that had been misplaced. Now it wasn't dead or anything, frankly I have no idea how it even got out of the pot...but something told me it was the perfect gift.

I picked it up and upon returning to my sisters house, wet a paper towel and placed it in a plastic bag. My flight was leaving in the morning, so I figured it should be safe until then. I placed the tiny plant inside my carry on bag, checking on it repeatedly during the flight home, and smiling each time.

When I arrived home, I found a small pot and some soil.  I feel like I have my grandmother with me and things are just a tad bit easier. Thank you grandma, I love you.

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